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Small town kindness helps get car door unlocked

Editor: The other day I drove down to mail some letters. I hopped out of my car to put them in the box and upon returning to my vehicle found I had locked the door. The vehicle was running and my purse with the extra key was on the seat inside.


The other day I drove down to mail some letters. I hopped out of my car to put them in the box and upon returning to my vehicle found I had locked the door. The vehicle was running and my purse with the extra key was on the seat inside.

A gentleman suggested he could try to open the car with a coat hanger and I went into Mario's where the staff supplied me with a hanger. The fellow could not make the hanger work, so I thanked him and I went back into Mario's and asked to use the phone.

They kindly looked up the name of our local locksmith, but I received a recorded message. Then Mario himself gave me the cell number for the locksmith.

He answered the call, said he would be right over (arrived in under five minutes) and worked his magic.

Thanks go out to Mario, his restaurant staff and Mario's friendly locksmith. Aren't small towns great?

M. Snell