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South Delta mom amazed by many acts of kindness

Editor: Cards, emails, flowers, chocolate, books, cancer cures, poems, verses, angels, presents, prayers, cleaning, vacuuming, gardening, ironing, power washing, weeding, digging, planting, watering, food for hospital visitors, food for family, food


Cards, emails, flowers, chocolate, books, cancer cures, poems, verses, angels, presents, prayers, cleaning, vacuuming, gardening, ironing, power washing, weeding, digging, planting, watering, food for hospital visitors, food for family, food for freezer, driving, bible reading, music concert on deck, hand-made comfort quilt, hospital bed, family visits, friends visits, phone calls, text messages, Facebook messages, encouraging thought, etc.

South Delta displays unbelievable traits of kindness.

I am an ordinary mother of three here in South Delta. You know the kind... one whose kids play soccer, drinks coffee with friends, and does the Gingell steps.

Last fall I was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer and the community has responded with traits of kindness that are unbelievable. It was the kind of thing where one person wanted to do something nice for us and soon one person spoke to a relative who brought another friend.

Through this networking my garden has been completely redone, my deck pressure washed, my house cleaned, my freezer stocked, my family fed, my husband's shirts ironed, my visiting relatives housed.

My hockey friends have met my bible study friends who have met my neighbours - all through sharing a kind thought.

I am sitting in my hospital bed absolutely amazed by the magnitude of the overall effect from an act of kindness. Thank you. What an incredible community.

Sue Stewart