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Time to revisit idea of Tsawwassen going on its own

Editor: Re: More South Deltans voted, but council's base is in the north, Community Comment, Jan. 4 The Community Comment by Steve Graham should have opened our eyes as to how we in Tsawwassen are being governed.


Re: More South Deltans voted, but council's base is in the north, Community Comment, Jan. 4

The Community Comment by Steve Graham should have opened our eyes as to how we in Tsawwassen are being governed. The heading, More South Deltans voted, but council's base is in the north, tells it all.

Why should those who live, work and play in distant North Delta, or even Ladner for that matter, care about the overcrowding and traffic problems in Tsawwassen? Why don't they listen to the vast majority of us that we don't want more development, particularly on farmland?

Many years ago - I am guessing the mid to late 1960s - there was an effort put forth to secede from Delta and set up our own governing body. It didn't get too far as we were being treated fairly by council at that time.

This has not been the case with council in the last decade or so and now the time is ripe for some politically minded entrepreneur to make history.

Let's hear from you.

R. Smith