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Tourism Delta tried to be that champion

Editor: Re: Tourism in need of champion, July 13 I have not always agreed on many items in the past with Sylvia Bishop (Southlands, for instance), but I have to agree with her comments on tourism.


Re: Tourism in need of champion, July 13

I have not always agreed on many items in the past with Sylvia Bishop (Southlands, for instance), but I have to agree with her comments on tourism.

I feel I must caution her, however, about voicing these opinions around municipal hall as this has not always been a popular subject in past years, and she could be branded as some kind of renegade.

Back in the late '90s, a dedicated group of tourism-related businesspeople from Delta became dissatisfied with the job being done (or not done) by the Delta Chamber of Commerce. To add insult, these professionals in the tourist businesses were brushed off as not running a "business," and accused of "just playing around at it."

This resulted in many of these people (all volunteers) starting an organization called "Tourism Delta" to do just what Bishop is suggesting: promote tourism activities and services in Delta.

These were folks that ran hotels, B&Bs, restaurants and other related businesses. When it came to ask for a little financial support from municipal hall, we were confronted by skepticism, negative comments and a downright rude attitude. There was absolutely no encouragement at all!

To give you an idea of some of the comments and beliefs we had to combat, we would hear things like, "Who wants to come to Delta, we have nothing to offer?" or "Why would anyone want to come here? There's nothing here."

Mayor and council put the chamber on a pedestal and felt it would save us. This was a time when the chamber was sending tourists through the tunnel, telling them they could find a hotel or campground in Richmond.

Instead, someone on council came up with the idea of having a bicycle race, which got $30,000 to start, projected for five years to the tune of $150,000. I am not sure what Delta puts into this event now.

Contrary to the optimistic comments about how good this was for the community, everything was given to the participants: food, lodging, etc. Billets and donations were solicited in the community to the point where not one single dollar was returned to the community.

None of the lodging providers ever made anything on this race.

Meanwhile, Tourism Delta struggled and managed to get a grant of $30,000. With the help of this small grant, lots of volunteering and

some federal student grants, it ran a total of four information booths for the entire season: one at the ferry causeway, one at the junction of highways 10 and 99, one at the Ladner dock and another in North Delta.

It developed a tourism newsletter and also won top prizes in the local and distant parades for its tourism promotion floats

For these reasons I am not a fan of Tour de Delta and I am very bitter and skeptical when anyone from council wonders why we do not have a thriving tourist industry here.

We do not need "twinning" and a few of the other items where tourism dollars has been wasted. We need manned information booths, websites and a lot more advertising to capitalize on Delta's beauty and many attractions.

If I sound like a cranky old man, it is because I am - brought on by over 40 years of dealing with the apathy and mismanagement at municipal hall.

Good luck to Bishop on her quest for a champion.

Ian Kent