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Truck numbers are on the rise at Deltaport

Editor: There is an increasing odour of mendacity coming from Deltaport.


There is an increasing odour of mendacity coming from Deltaport.

In 2005, the public was informed by Port Metro Vancouver the third berth at the Deltaport container terminal would increase truck traffic from 1,800 truck trips per day to 2,400 truck trips per day.

Fast forward to the new road and rail upgrades underway and the port is now saying there were 3,000 truck trips per day in 2010 and that will increase to 4,500 truck trips per day once the third berth reaches capacity.

So instead of an increase of 600 truck trips per day, the third berth will generate 2,700 more truck trips per day. To my mind, we were told a whopper.

Add to that another 3,000 trips per day for employee and service vehicles. And let's not forget Port Metro Vancouver is moving forward with plans for Terminal 2 with an additional three berths that would double the current size. This is despite statistics that show we already have plenty of container capacity.

This is all about empire building with smoke and mirrors. It is not good economics.

Susan Jones