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Walker disappointed by loss of four trees near high school and library in Ladner

Editor: I was walking down 51st Street from the high school, a route I frequent when walking from my home to the library to study, when I noticed that four trees had been removed and, subsequently, the stumps were spray painted orange.


I was walking down 51st Street from the high school, a route I frequent when walking from my home to the library to study, when I noticed that four trees had been removed and, subsequently, the stumps were spray painted orange.

I do not know of the municipal government's plans regarding the removal of these trees, but I would like to be informed because these trees have been a mainstay of my walks along 51st Street for the past 15 years.

The sidewalk now feels barren and alien without their foliage and I do not look forward to the lack of aesthetic shade they once offered in the summer.

It is also my hope the municipality will plant four new trees of the same species elsewhere, either in Memorial Park or nearby, to make up for the damage.

Moreover, in this age of supposed "green revolutions" and "sustainability," it's important that our practices as a people match the ideals and beliefs we espouse.

Michael Hare