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A message from the Delta Pride Society

Thank you for joining with us to make Delta a more inclusive, kind and safe space for our 2SLGBTQ+ families and neighbours!
Delta Pride Society board of directors pictured left to right; Gillian McLeod (she, her), Carol Johnson (she, her), Jenn Curll (she, he, they), John Darras (he, him/past president), Christa Horita Kadach (she, her), Lydia Elder (she, her). Optimist file photo

Pride Month is celebrated annually in June to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots - one of the first uprisings to achieve equal justice, opportunity and human rights for the Pride community. Raising or displaying a Pride flag is a sign of solidarity, inclusion and support of our 2SLGBTQ+ community.

Delta Pride Society reaffirms our commitment to support, encourage, uplift and advocate for the 2SLGBTQ+ community and their allies. Allyship isn’t passive, but active and we encourage everyone to join us in a commitment to listen, learn and step into greater allyship, education, understanding and empathy for truly all.

We are in a difficult season where we’ve seen too many examples of resources, medical care and human rights being stripped from the Pride community which includes children, youth, adults and our seniors.

“None of us are free until all of us are free.” This quote by Maya Angelou emphasizes our shared humanity and that our liberation is bound together. The absence of freedom anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere. It’s a call for empathy, mutual understanding, and collective responsibility. It encourages us to look beyond our individual concerns and realize that our own freedom is hollow if it doesn’t coincide with the freedom of others.

This month (and every month) we remind the Pride community that you are seen, loved and cherished!

Thank you for joining with us to make Delta a more inclusive, kind and safe space for our 2SLGBTQ+ families and neighbours!

Christa Horita Kadach (she/her)