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Beware of fake gold scams say Delta police

If it sounds too good to be true, it likely is
Delta police have issued a warning to the public to be aware of fake gold scams that have been reported recently in the community.

It’s an old scam that is making the rounds again in Delta.

Delta police say that recently, community members have reported individuals offering fake gold jewelry in exchange for cash, often using stories like needing money for gas.

“One community member shared their experience of being approached outside their home, where a person aggressively tried to push a gold necklace as collateral. Luckily, they declined, but it’s a reminder for all of us to stay alert,” said police on their Facebook page.

Delta police have offered these tips to help residents protect themselves from these scams:

Don’t exchange money for items from strangers: scammers often use desperation and urgency to trick victims

Trust your instincts: if something feels off, it probably is. Don’t feel pressured to engage in conversations or transactions that make you uncomfortable

Be firm and walk away: scammers may be pushy, but it is important to decline and remove yourself from the situation.

Report suspicious activity: If you encounter similar situations, report it to the police immediately. Your report could help prevent others from falling victim.