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South Delta Crime Beat: Porch Pirates in the area stealing packages

In another file, suspects vandalized a vehicle with a black marker
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Files of interest for this week from Delta Police.

The purpose of the Crime Beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in South Delta and other files of interest. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in-progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.


*Sept. 7, 5000 Block of 1A Avenue: Complainant reported their vehicle, parked in front of a residence was damaged sometime overnight. The front door was pushed inward, and the window frame was bent. There is no evidence of impact from another vehicle.  Approximate value of damage is $2,500. 

*Sept. 8, Police Headquarters, 4455 Clarence Taylor Crescent: A business reported they were a victim of fraud. An old business cheque was used to withdraw $2,000 and was deposited into an unknown account. The bank is investigating the fraud and will reimburse the funds.

*Sept. 9, 3600 block of Highway 17: During a speed enforcement check, officers stopped a vehicle travelling at 135 km/h in a posted 80 km/h zone. The driver was given a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition and a 30-day vehicle impoundment. The vehicle was towed from the scene and the driver was picked up by a family member.

*Sept. 9, 5000 Block of Canoe Pass Way: A business reported a theft in progress. Police attended, but upon arrival the suspect was gone. Items stolen include groceries, camping gear, and razors with a value of $1,500. Photos of the suspect disseminated, and a male matching the description was later apprehended and arrested. The suspect was charged with theft under $5,000 and breaching their probation order. The suspect was transferred to Surrey Cells for processing.  

*Sept. 10, 4800 Block of 13th Avenue: Complainant reported their bicycle was stolen from their carport. Surveillance video shows a slim male enter the carport and cut the lock to the bike. The bicycle is described as a grey mountain bike with “Specialized” written on it in neon. File under investigation.

*Sept. 11, 1500 Block of 56th Street: A business reported a break and enter. Police attended and found product inside the business tossed around and the side door lock pried apart. Surveillance video shows two suspects wearing gloves and masks enter through a side door. The suspects then filled two garbage cans with tobacco products and fled the business. File under investigation.


*Sept. 6, 4900 Block of 58th Street: Complainant reported a black Volkswagen, occupied by two males casing the neighborhood, with one of the males stealing a package containing two pairs of Adidas shorts from the complainant’s doorstep. Surveillance video revealed a South Asian male, wearing a black Mercedes Benz hat, take the package. Police to disseminate still photographs of the suspect for possible identification.

*Sept. 6, 4700 Block of 57th Street: Complainant reported their vehicle was vandalized over the past couple of days. The vehicle was covered in black marker and purple paint, causing $500 in damage. Police attended and canvassed the area for surveillance video with negative results. A file number was provided to the complainant.

*Sept. 7, 6900 Block of Tilbury Road: A business reported their metal fence was cut and the property was entered late in the evening. The suspects took approximately six cable wires valued at $6,000. Investigation of the incident to continue with the examination of surveillance video.

*Sept. 7, 4800 Block of 59A Street: Complainant reported their business vehicle parked outside their house was broken into and various items stolen. Items stolen include sunglasses, reading glasses, and several sets of keys. Police to continue investigation, with examination of surveillance video.

*Sept. 8, 5100 Block of Ladner Trunk Road: A citizen found a ring containing a stone in the parking lot. The owner can claim upon identification at Police Headquarters, 4455 Clarence Taylor Crescent. 

*Sept. 10, 6300 Block of Highway 17: Police conducting traffic enforcement, stopped a vehicle travelling at 131 km/h in an 80 km/h zone. The driver was given a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition, and the vehicle impounded for 30-days. The vehicle was towed from the scene and the driver and passenger left in a taxi.