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North Delta Crime Beat: Traffic stop results in impaired charge and vehicle impounded

Laptop taken from unlocked vehicle
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Files of interest for this week from Delta Police.

The purpose of the Crime Beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in North Delta and other files of interest. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in-progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

*June 27, 9300 block of 119A Street: Complainant reported their unlocked vehicle was entered by an unknown suspect all dressed in black. Perfume valued at $100 and $5 in change were stolen. No suitable surveillance video was available. Complainant was provided with a file number for insurance purposes.

*June 29, Public Safety Building 11375 84th Ave.: Complainant reported they had agreed to provide assistance to a person asking for financial help. To facilitate the request, the complainant deposited three cheques for the individual and provided them with banking information and passwords. The next day the complainant found their account had been emptied of all funds, and realized they were the victim of fraud. The complainant was unable to provide details of how they met the suspect or why they helped them. 

*June 29, 8300 block of Delsom Way: Complainant reported they left their vehicle unlocked outside their residence and when they returned in the morning found their laptop missing from the rear seat. The laptop is valued at $600, described as an Asus make, with a charger cord, in a black gym bag. No witnesses or surveillance video.

*June 30, 9000 block of 120th Street: Complainant reported a male attempted to pick the fire door lock, but was unsuccessful. Surveillance video reveals a male, approximately 30 to 40 years of age, medium build, wearing a baseball cap, a black pullover 2023 hoody with JOHAL on the back, black pants, and black shoes. The video also shows the male leave in a pickup truck, but not suitable for dissemination of stills for identification.

*July 1, 11800 block of 90th Avenue: Complainant reported that sometime overnight three tires were slashed on their vehicle while parked in the driveway. Nothing was heard by family or neighbours and complainant believes this to be an isolated incident. Damage approximately $600.

*July 2, 8400 block of 120th Street: Police observed a vehicle make a turn northbound without a signal, hit the centre median and then overcorrected and crossed the divider lane. A traffic stop was conducted, and the driver provided two breath samples with both reading “Fail.” The driver was given a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition, 30-day vehicle impound, and the vehicle towed. The driver left the area by taxi.